
Ruby logging library that provides the ability to add class/module specific filters

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Creating an appender

Throughout this page we will build up a custom appender. Going from a stub of the required methods through to a complete, configurable appender ready for use with Hatchet.


Appenders are classes with an interface of:

class CustomAppender

  def enabled?(level, context)
    # Code determining whether messages will be logged for the
    # level and context.
    # For the majority of cases you do not need to implement this
    # yourself. Instead you can include the Hatchet::LevelManager
    # module into your class this will do the work required for you.

  def add(level, context, message)
    # Code to log a message.



Returns true if the appender should log messages for the given level and context, otherwise returns false.


A Symbol representing the level of the log call. One of, in decreasing level of severity:


An object representing the context of the log call. When transformed to a String by calling to_s it will represent a hierarchy with each level separated by ::.


Adds a message to the logging destination.


A Symbol representing the level of the log call. One of, in descreasing level of severity:


An object representing the context of the log call. When transformed to a String by calling to_s it will represent a hierarchy with each level separated by ::.


The Hatchet::Message to log.


The add method will only be called by Hatchet if the enabled? method returns true for a given logging call.

Standard functionality

It is recommended you make your appender’s logging level and message formatting configurable in the same way as standard appenders.

Level management

The level management functionality has been encapsulated in LevelManager which you can mix into your own classes:

class CustomAppender
  include Hatchet::LevelManager

  def intialize
    yield self if block_given?

  def add(level, context, message)
    # Code to log a message.


The LevelManager adds the standard level configuration method to your appender and implements the enabled? method too.


Appenders are expected to yield themselves to a block, when given, upon creation:

class CustomAppender
  include Hatchet::LevelManager

  def intialize
    yield self if block_given?

  def add(level, context, message)
    # Code to log a message.


Message formatting

It is recommended that you format messages via a formatter object. This will enable users of your appender to easily change the format of messages it produces without you having to modify your appender.

Of course, you can specify a preferred formattr by setting that as the default. You may even chose to ship a custom formatter alongside your appender.

class CustomAppender
  include Hatchet::LevelManager

  attr_accessor :formatter

  def intialize
    # If you want to set a default formatter do that before
    # yielding for client configuration.
    @formatter = CustomFormatter.new
    yield self if block_given?

  def add(level, context, message)
    message = @formatter.format(level, context, message)
    # Code to log a message.



All that is left is for our logger to implement the logging of messages. We will keep this simple and just make it log to STDOUT:

class CustomAppender
  include Hatchet::LevelManager

  attr_accessor :formatter

  def intialize
    yield self if block_given?

  def add(level, context, message)
    puts @formatter.format(level, context, message)


That’s all there is to creating a custom appender. You should be able to see the same structure in the LoggerAppender that comes with Hatchet and the HipChatAppender from hatchet-hipchat.

Remember not to reinvent the wheel and first check the list of known appenders for an existing appender that does what you want and contribute to that if it isn’t quite right for your needs.