
Ruby logging library that provides the ability to add class/module specific filters

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Creating a formatter

Throughout this page we will build up a custom formatter. Going from a stub of the required method through to a complete, configurable formatter reader for use with Hatchet.


Formatters are classes with an interface of:

class CustomFormatter

  def format(level, context, message)
    # Code to format a message.



Returns a formatted message ready for logging.


A Symbol representing the level of the log call. One of, in descreasing level of severity:


An object representing the context of the log call. When transformed to a String by calling to_s it will represent a hierarchy with each level separated by ::.


The Hatchet::Message to log.


When generating Strings it should not have any leading or trailing whitespace as this should be left up to the calling appender to add as it requires. This will make your formatter more reusable across appenders.


There’s not much more to creating a custom formatter. It simply takes the parameters of the logging message and transforms them into something ready to be logged.

You can of course provide additional information about the environment. For example, the StandardFormatter adds details such as the current time and details of the thread the logging call was made from. Formatters are expected to be called within the same execution context as the initial logging call.

Something to note is that formatters don’t necessarily have to return Strings. If the appender supports it the formatter could create objects suitable for transforming to JSON or bytes ready to be sent somewhere over a port.

Remember not to reinvent the wheel and first check the list of known formatters for an existing formatter that does what you want and contribute to that if it isn’t quite right for your needs.